Get help with housing

Find potential affordable housing options that may suit your situation

Discover what housing options may be available to you

To find housing options that may be a good fit for you, we’ll ask a few questions. All of your answers are anonymous. These questions should take about 5 minutes.

Potential housing options

Once you’re done, you will see applicable housing options. Seeing these options does not mean there are units available right now, but you can learn more and get details on how to apply.

Let's get started!

I'm looking to help:

Myself A friend or family member A client or customer An individual must be specified.
Yes No Please select Yes or No.

Find shelters

Individuals and families can access emergency shelters and temporary housing when facing family violence, domestic violence or homelessness.  

24-hour Emergency Income Support Contact Centre  

If you are facing an emergency need for food, medication, temporary shelter. If the household is facing an emergency need for food, medication, or temporary shelter.
24 hours a day, 365 days a year

Call toll free: 1-866-644-5135
Email: [email protected] (responses may take 1-3 business days)

If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, call 911

If you or someone you know
is in immediate danger

Please acknowledge the above if you wish to proceed.
Next: Citizenship